

Allen Mireles is a strategist and wordsmith with an affinity for technology. She lives at the intersection of social media and traditional marketing and public relations and never gets enough time in the garden. Find her on Twitter @allenmireles.

Build Better Media Lists With These Social Tips

As a public relations pro you depend on building and maintaining strong business relationships. You need to keep your lists […]

You Catch More Flies With Honey Than Vinegar

The other day a Facebook friend posted the old saying, “You catch more flies with honey than you do with […]

PR and Internal Communications: Changing With the Times?

The focus of internal communication function has shifted from pursuing outputs to achieving outcomes – and that is a significant […]

Want PR Success? Don’t Fear Expanding Your KSAs

Let’s face it. Thanks to social media and digital tools, the world of marketing and public relations is evolving faster […]

Use the Holidays to Build Creative Muscles!

“Creativity is a muscle. Exercise it daily — if you only need to create once a week, your muscles may […]

Holiday 2014 Data Yields Powerful Insights for the Year Ahead

Wondering what 2015 promises? Look no further than the data from early holiday 2014 shopping, recently released from IBM and […]

6 Ways to Build Long-Term Influencer Relationships

It’s getting harder and harder to get attention these days. We’re all inundated by marketing messages, social updates, email and […]

Flipboard: The “Next Big Thing” for Public Relations

Are you using Flipboard yet? You should be. The digital social magazine app aggregates content from across the web and […]

Persuasion: 6 Principles That Power PR Success

What’s the difference between success and failure? More often than not, it’s the ability to persuade. In public relations, persuasion […]

PR Is Facing Challenges, But They’re NOT Insurmountable!

Does the public relations industry face challenges? In a word, yes. Why? In part, because public perception of the role […]

9 Traits of an Uber-Effective PR Pro in 2015

Whether you're starting out your career or have been around for decades, you need to keep up with PR's changing times. Here are nine traits that PR pros will need in 2015 and beyond.

Twitter Chats: Manage the Overwhelm and Make Strong Connections!

Does Twitter feel like a firehose of information blasting you? You might have a case of Twitter Overwhelm. Enjoy all the PR benefits of Twitter without getting lost in constant updates by finding and using Twitter chats.

Can PR Keep Up With The Future?

New social networks. Wearables. The Internet of Things. PR pros have a lot to keep up with and prepare for. There's barely enough time in the day. Allen Mireles takes a peek at the busy future of PR.

Is Influencer Outreach Overrated? Chrysler Doesn’t Think So!

Is influencer outreach important for your brand or completely overrated? Chrysler has stepped up its influencer outreach efforts over the past couple of years, and its experience can help you create a similar campaign.

Will Twitter Change Your Life? It Changed Mine.

Twitter is no longer simply a place where people come to make jokes and drop quickie status updates. For a PR pro, it's an invaluable resource that connects you with hungry journalists, looking for sources. Don't just be active on Twitter, form relationships and follow these 7 tips to get the most out of this social network.

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