If you ever wondered who to follow for the latest news in Chicago, then this week’s list is for you. Take a look at the top 10 Chicago Tribune staff on Twitter and click that follow button. Metrics were pulled December 1, 2017 and may change over time.

1. K.C. Johnson — Basketball Reporter — 94,251

2. Brad Biggs — Football Reporter — 92,250

3. Rex Huppke — Columnist — 56,157

4. David Haugh — Sports Columnist —  46,932

5. Paul Sullivan — Baseball Reporter — 42,199

6. Chris Kuc — Baseball Reporter — 40,648

7. Mark Gonzales — Baseball Reporter — 36,768

8. Bill Daley — Food Writer & Features Reporter — 26,189

9. Rich Campbell — Football Reporter — 25,472

10. Teddy Greenstein — College Sports Reporter — 23,483


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