Founded in 1929 Bloomberg Businessweek is one of the most respected business publications in circulation. It keeps readers informed of important news affecting the business community in the U.S. and abroad, and interprets, analyzes and evaluates broad industry trends, company news, new technologies and business personalities. So how does your pitch go a long way at Bloomberg Businessweek?

Cision’s Media Research team works daily to maintain a database of more than 1.6 million journalists and media professionals. In addition to accurate contact information, we strive to obtain pitching tips to help ensure the most useful pitches reach the most interested journalists. Here are a few tips we’ve collected to successfully reach out to the editors at Bloomberg Businessweek.

Know the Lead Time

Lead time, or the amount of time that a magazine requires between pitching and publishing, is crucial to the success of your pitch. The editorial lead time for Bloomberg Businessweek for features and news is at least 14 days, but generally editors prefer an even longer period, especially for new product pitches. So try and give them at least three weeks. That way, they have enough time to  determine whether, or how, they would like to handle your pitch.

Offer Exclusivity

Exclusive information will always get you noticed. If your client is putting out the word to all of Bloomberg Businesswek’s competitors, their level interest falls dramatically. If something has appeared in The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal, they are not going to cover it. Offering exclusivity also shows that you have carefully considered the value of the magazine and have chosen them to break the news and report on something new.

Simplify Your Pitch

A simple, to-the-point pitch written in clear, journalistic style will take you a long way with Businessweek editors. For example, if you are pitching a new company, just give a brief summary of the business and what it’s doing to stand out among its competitors. Be sure to address editors by name — and spell it correctly! —  as opposed to addressing them with “Hi there!” or “Hey.”

Be Sure Sources Are Available

Bloomberg Businessweek  profiles companies, dissects business trends and follows big business news. This means using various sources for their stories. Be sure those sources are available for an interview/quote/etc. It frustrates editors when they are pitched a good source but they cannot reach the PR person. Many editors will sever ties with a PR person if they don’t get a return phone call on a source.


The Cision Media Research Team maintains a database of more than 1.6 million records, including social influencers, traditional media contacts, outlets and opportunities. We collect and maintain the latest contact and pitching information of bloggers and journalists who can spread your message, broaden your campaign and help you build relationships with the people who matter.  To experience the Cision Media Database first hand, request a demo here

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Anna Marevska is an editor and writer for Cision Blog. She edits media updates, and writes influencer and industry features. She is also the print media manager at Cision’s research department, and the editor and co-founder of Find her on Twitter at @Anna_Mar3